Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Tme

         On Christmas, as almost every family does, my family gets up early and we open our presents. We always have fresh baked cinnamon rolls. Then we head over to my Grandpa's. All of my dad's side of the family is there. We give each other gifts and have a holiday lunch. But a few days before Christmas my Mom's side of the family comes over for a Christmas dinner. There is also an exchanging of gifts. On Christmas eve we go to church with my Great-grandmother and then over to my great-uncle's house for another Christmas party.
         We repeat this process every year so it is all just one big tradition wrapped into one. I look forward to it all because I get to see all of my family in a span of 3-4 days, and I get a bunch of presents. Many other small family traditions are displayed in my house from always having our favorite candy in our stockings to having a fire in our fireplace at night. Our traditions don't change from year to year and I like it that way.

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