Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tracking Teresa

This video is about how easy it is to find out information about someone online. In a random chat room there is a user named Teresa01. She gives out a small amount of personal information. she gives out her name and that she likes basketball, music and hanging out with friends. I have put personal information online. i put my name, my age and my location on Facebook. i have put in my name for other things like for profiles on gaming websites and such. The most important thing to remember when using the internet is to not give out personal information to people you don't know. The other video I chose was 2 kinds of stupid. In the video there is a story about a high school athlete. He is a swimmer and gets good grades but he makes a bad decision. he goes to a party after one of his meets and takes pictures of himself with alcohol. He posts them online and gets suspended and kicked off the team. All of this happened to him just by posting those pictures online.

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