Tuesday, June 4, 2013

CNN Tech article- Fitness Apps

CNN- There are new fitness apps popping up all the time. But there are a few that offer more than just tracking how much you run. Apps like Fitbit, Runkeeper, and Endomondo let your friends and other people see your stats and then compete with you. It keeps you motivated to do more and offers a little competition to boost your energy. There is even an app that turns your run into a survival situation. It's called Zombies, Run! It turns your runs into trips for ammo and supplies and you have to run a certain speed to outrun the zombies. These apps make it easier for people to excersize and to have fun excersizing.


Monday, May 20, 2013

CNN Tech Article- Smell-O-Vision

A company in Japan is developing an attachment for phones. One that can spray a scent in the air whilst you are using the phone. The devices are about the size of a thumb drive and there are many different scents in development. But, each different one can only spray one scent, so you have to go and buy a couple to have a full range of smells. It may be used to make games more realistic with smells of the in-game things or it may be just a pointless little device that you hardly ever use. Nevertheless the company plans to release it in the fall.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Career Clusters

For my top Career Cluster I got Law, Public Safety, and Security. Law, Public Safety, and Security is described as Law, public safety, corrections, and security workers are found in a variety of settings. For example, I might guard the public and enforce the law as a police officer or security guard. Or, you might provide fire protection as a firefighter.
Or, be a lawyer and work in the courtroom. To be in this career cluster you have to be able to work with people and be willing to help them. You have to be smart and know the law very well. to get the best jobs in the category you have to take 7 or more years of college. I do think that this career cluster fits me the best. I have wanted to be a lawyer for a while now and this is the career cluster for it.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Google Drive Wrap Up

I liked Google Drive overall. It's ability to save automatically was really the part I liked the most.I always end up losing parts of my documents because my computer freezes or I accidentally close out on Microsoft Word so that feature helped out a lot. I did not like that there was little choice in what you could do on the document or the power point. It does not have as many features or tools as the Microsoft versions. I did like being able to work with my partner on a single document. it lets you get the project done twice as fast and it makes it easier to collaborate. I think that Google could improve Google Docs by adding other types of documents like the many Microsoft has. Overall, the project turned out great. I had fun researching and making the presentation and the survey.